Credit Notes

Easily create a credit note and process the replacement, repair or refund. Make sure the warranty period hasn't expired using the app before accepting the return.

Create credit notes on-site using the app

Choose pre-defined reasons for the credit or enter a custom reason. Scan to return the product.

create credit notes using the EZEMobile mobile applicaiton
Print credit notes on-site by pairing to a bluetooth printer

Print or email the credit note

Print the credit note on-site or email your customer a copy.

Review credit notes on the Dashboard

A full history of all created credit notes are viewable on the dashboard.

Review credit notes on the EZEMobile dashboard
Integrate Credit Notes from EZEMobile into your accounting package

Integrate the credit note into your accounting package

Filter by day, week, month and year to track the performance of your sales reps.

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